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Original Paintings

" Pom Puppy "

           by Dona Locklair         

Oil On Canvas Framed

Painting Image Size 14" x 11"

Outer Dimentions Frame Size: 19.5" x 16.75"

Call: 843-659-2795 or 1-800-232-1278 for price.

Prices on original paintings vary according to
size, subject matter and medium.

Copyright on each original painting is owned by the artists before and after it is sold.

This pet portrait of a cuddly Pomeranian puppy, raised by Dona and Jerry Locklair, is for sale. 
If you are interested in an original painting that we have or you wish us to paint an original of your choice by commission,
please Call: 843-659-2795 or 1-800-232-1278.

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All Prints, and Original Artwork copyright by Dona & Jerry Locklair       P